Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A Prodigy?

Trying on my vest

It seems like I've been blogging a lot lately, but I feel like interesting things have been happening that I wanted to share with you all. The sad thing about blogging is that you never know who reads your blog and if the people you're thinking of when you write are actually reading, or if it's just your parents and a certain friend from Colorado. Anyway...
This morning while Jonah was in his high chair I randomly started singing the theme song to a cartoon show we've watched a few times on Netflix. It's one of those annoying songs that gets in your head and I didn't really know the words so I was just singing "dee dee dee". Jonah perked up and happily announced, "Caillou!" I couldn't believe he could correctly name a song I sang without the words! When Jon got home we repeated the trick and then I tried with "Three Blind Mice" which he identified as "Me Mah Mahce!" and "Old McDonald" - "Eeeeeee-I-E-I-O!" I was totally amazed. Is this normal for a 16-month-old toddler? Maybe lots of other toddlers could do the same thing but don't have the verbal ability to say the name of the song. Maybe all toddlers do this and I'm just dumb to think it's special. But whether it's unique or not, I was very proud to see his little mind working and to know he was learning new skills.


Em said...

Well it's not surprising, thinking of how musical his mother is! :) How cute! You should get a video of it.

Em said...

Also, tell Jonah that is a good look on him. He might have a hot new fashion idea there!

Anonymous said...

Whitney was a really late talker, so I'm just plain impressed at his verbal skills! :-)