Monday, December 24, 2007

Merry Christmas!

Jonah poses for the camera with his cousins Oliver (7 months) and Naomi (6 months).  At 3 months Jonah is the same size as Oliver and bigger than Naomi!    

Friday, December 14, 2007

Talkative Baby

Jonah loves to "talk". We are always amused by his constant babbling.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Silly Hats

This puppy dog hat is Jonah's winter hat. It has matching mittens and is totally adorable. He often falls asleep with the hat over his eyes.
I really wanted to get a cute picture of Jonah in his matching hat and outfit from his "Aunt Katie", my college roommate, but he wasn't happy about it. I thought it was cute even though he was sad.

My cousin Andrea made this pilgrim hat for Jonah for Thanksgiving.

My cousin Zach was wearing this hat at Thanksgiving and we thought it would look perfect on Jonah.

Friday, December 7, 2007

Remember When?

As Jonah approaches the three month mark I got a kick out of looking at some pictures from when I was pregnant. I can't believe that just a very short while ago I looked like this! This picture was taken four days before Jonah was born. No wonder I had a 9lb. 7oz. baby!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Smiles and Giggles

This video is a couple weeks old now, but I still wanted to post it because it's so cute. Jonah smiles and even laughs at the end of the video.

It's hard to believe Jonah is two months old already. He is growing like a weed - at his two-month check-up last week he was 14 lbs. 9 oz. and in the 100th percentile for height and weight. He's now wearing 6 month size clothes! The one thing that hasn't changed much since he was born is how much he sleeps - still about 18 or 19 hours a day. I can't wait until he's awake a little more so we can play longer!

Monday, November 5, 2007

November 5

Here's Jon hard at work inside an airplane.
I put my little peapod in the car and took him to visit Jon at work.

Jonah was a peapod for Halloween. As you can see, he wasn't too happy about it.

Jonah slept through his first Wheaton College football game in his grandpa's arms. He did show school spirit by wearing his Wheaton t-shirt, even though he didn't stay awake for the game.

The beginnings of a grin.

I love Jonah in his "big boy" overalls. Of course he had to spit up on them right before I took the picture.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Wedding Weekend

I tried to put these pictures up last week, but the blog website was not functioning right on the day I went in to post. So, here they are a week late.

Jonah loves his grandpa!
Me with Jonah on the wedding day. I was very relieved that my dress fit and I didn't look too fat. Jonah didn't look fat either. =)

Here's Jonah in his little baby tux for the wedding. Jon's mom took a baby onesie and sewed on the tuxedo parts. He looked adorable (when he wasn't all wrapped up in his swaddle, which was most of the time!)

We finally got Jonah to sleep in a corner of the Atlanta airport. He was exhausted from not sleeping at all on the first leg of the trip. After he fell asleep in Atlanta he didn't open his eyes again until we were in our hotel room in Birmingham.

Jonah was awake but happy during the flight from Flint, MI to Atlanta. I was very glad that he did so well and didn't scream.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

October 9

Jonah had his first visit to Grandma and Grandpa's house last week (my grandparents - his great-grandparents). We had a great visit. Jonah got to meet many relatives - most of my mom's family lives in the Toledo area - and he was generally fussed over. He is the very first great-grandchild on this side of the family (compared to being great-grandchild number 35 for Jon's grandma Taylor. This is a picture of Jonah with my grandma Tower, whom he is named after (his middle name, Case, is her maiden name).

Jonah is Jon's biggest fan.

So cute in his car seat.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Jonah Jelly Bean

Jonah loves to be swaddled - he can't go to sleep unless he's wrapped up tightly. We've discovered that the best way to get him tight enough so he can't get his arms out is to wrap him first in a receiving blanket and then in a special swaddling wrap that has velcro tabs. Jon has gotten quite good at this wrapping procedure. I think he looks like a jelly bean when he's all wrapped up.

Jonah's first Cubs game

This video is from last Sunday when my dad came to visit. Jonah was very alert and was even practicing lifting his head up to get a better look at his grandpa. This was also a momentous occasion because Jonah was listening to his very first Cubs game on the radio.

September 29

It's been another wonderful week enjoying taking care of little Jonah. He had his follow-up doctor's appointment on Monday and he weighed 9lbs 8oz - a gain of 8oz in seven days. I think Jonah inherited his hearty eating habits from the Meyer side of the family. My aunt Jane and cousin Andrea came to visit on Tuesday and Wednesday and we had a wonderful time together. Jonah took his first trip to Target (although he had already shopped at Meijer twice) and we enjoyed walking through downtown Lowell and peeking in the shops. Good thing Jonah is so little, otherwise I don't think he would appreciate doing so much shopping. People have started bringing us meals, which I really appreciate. Even though Jonah is such a good and easy baby, he seems to have this little internal alarm that goes off whenever it's dinner time and signals him to fuss. It doesn't matter if dinner is at 5:00 or 6:30, he'll always fuss right when we're ready to eat. It's a mystery to me, although I know it's very common for babies to fuss around dinner time.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Sept. 23

Here are a few recent pictures of our happy little family plus a video of me and Jonah in the hospital. I am loving being a mom to my adorable boy! I feel like every moment with him is a joy - even when he's fussing, which is seldom. Jonah is a champion sleeper and excellent eater. He has had no problems with breast feeding and I certainly have had no problems in supplying the milk! Jonah sleeps for 4 or 5 hours at a stretch overnight, so Jon and I really are not experiencing the sleep-deprivation that we expected as new parents. We love being a family and have enjoyed walks together in the evenings, family Bible reading and just being together.

Sunday, August 5, 2007


Welcome to our new blog! Hopefully we'll be good bloggers and make lots of updates so people will be inspired to check it often. As our lives seem to be constantly changing, it seems like we will have plenty of news and other thoughts to share.