Friday, March 14, 2008

Cute Cousins

"Hey Naomi, I can eat your hand for you."
"No, Jonah, let's eat our own hands."

This week the buffin and I decided to take a road trip to Colorado to visit friends. First we are seeing my childhood friend, Emily, in Colorado Springs and tomorrow we are driving up to Denver to see my college roommate, Katie. The trip up was fantastic! The buffin did awesome - not a single fuss until the last half-hour. I praised the Lord for small answers to prayer: He provided a gas station when I really needed one, Buffin's messy diaper was entirely contained in the diaper for the first time in his life (not all over his clothes and car seat), and when he spit up all over the place it was just before getting in the car so there was nothing to clean up. Driving from New Mexico to Colorado is much different from driving between Michigan and Illinois. There isn't an exit every four miles and there isn't a gas station at every exit. This fact can be very distressing when you're down to an eighth of a tank of gas and you just drank a grande coffee and an iced tea. But after my short moment of panic (and prayer) I was free to enjoy the gorgeous scenery out my window. I never realized that mountain ranges would line my entire trip (maybe it was very blonde of me to not know this).

Jon's brother, Chris, and his family also live in Colorado Springs so today we stopped in to see my sister-in-law Leslie and her two youngest daughters (the older kids were in school). We got some cute pictures of the buffin and his cousin, Naomi, who is nine months old.


Anonymous said...

Hey Linnea! We got your letter yesterday and were very surprised to hear that you had moved! The girls LOVED seeing the picture of your beautiful little boy. We'd love to keep in touch, but I don't have your address or email, so if you have a minute, email us at

Hello to everyone!

Shelly Wildman

Anonymous said...
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Barb Regnitz said...


Thanks so much for the letter! It was great catching up with you. Send me an email sometime and I'll let you know what happening with me (I don't have your email address).

Barb Regnitz

Em said...

It was so great to see you! I'll be praying that you make it safely back to Albuquerque. Email me sometime! :)

Em said...

I'm assuming you made it back safely, even though I haven't heard from you. :) Are you on your other trip now?