Saturday, March 14, 2009

Skyline Drive

Last weekend we had absolutely gorgeous weather (not so much this weekend) and we took a family excursion to Charlottesville, VA. We visited James Monroe's home, which is right next to Jefferson's Monticello, walked around the downtown area, and took the scenic route home on Skyline Drive.

We thought it would be funny to take a pregnant version of the classic "car model" shot.
And of course we had to get Jonah in a picture, too.

Jonah was losing patience toward the end of the trip and we were trying everything to keep him entertained. We gave him an umbrella to look at and you can guess the outcome.


Em said...

You look just fabulous! I absolutely love the picture of Jonah with the umbrella! Ha! It's classic!

Leslie said...

You are starting to show!